Fixturing system ALUMESS.basic

ALUMESS.basic fixtures come with a quick-change mechanism which allows a simple changeover of the clamping elemnets. The holding of the workpieces is true-to-contour.

The clamping system is flexible combinable and is suited for tactile measuring, for single-part measuring and can be universially used on coordinate measuring machines or at the measuring station.

A detailed description of the ALUMESS.basic fixtures as well as several basic elements, clamping elements, supporting and positioning elements you’ll find in our ALUMESS cataloque.

Application examples for ALUMESS.basic starter kits:

Starter kit ALUMESS.basic A

Starter kit ALUMESS.basic B

Starter kit ALUMESS.basic C

Starter kit ALUMESS.basic D

Starter kit ALUMESS.basic E

Starter kit ALUMESS.basic F

Explanation of the ALUMESS.basic system:

Mounting example ALUMESS.basic: Connecting bolt, assembled

ALUMESS.basic mounting example with connecting bolt, assembled

Mounting example ALUMESS.basic: Base plate, assembled

ALUMESS.basic mounting example with base plate, assembled

For the first steps in ALUMESS.basic we offer the following Starter Kits:

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